Education & Resource Materials

The Producer aims to connect our community members with educational materials and resources that will help to keep them at the top of their respective fields. Follow the link below for production industry tools and resources that work!


After years with Flodesk, I still appreciate how it lets me intuitively create stunning emails without the tech frustration. These are emails that actually get opened! The platform keeps getting better, while staying simple to use. If you're considering it, the link will get you 50% off for as long as you subscribe. It's been worth every penny for me.


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CaveDay is a group that hosts online Zoom sessions for members to reach a focused state of mind while working from home. Use code A_ANNIKA for 25% off any CaveDay purchase!

Click for access to our education materials

Click for access to our education materials


The Producer visits Cape Town: August Newsletter Update

The Producer visits Cape Town: August Newsletter Update

Earlier this year, I spent a somewhat unexpected length of time in Cape Town. I say somewhat, as every time I have been to South Africa, I have extended my travels. This year, a 6-day trip quickly turned to nearly 3 months. During this time, I had the opportunity to connect with incredible photographers, creative crew, deepening my knowledge of location resources for production, all while exploring the beauty of South Africa.

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The Producer’s Newsletters

See The Producer’s past newsletters and register at the top of the page to get the latest updates on everything from photographer spotlights, tools of the trade, hiring opportunities, and more!

August 9, 2018- Cape Town: August 2018

February 16, 2018- West Coast Connections and Event Invitation

February 6, 2018- West Coast Community Events 

October 17th, 2016- October 2016

July 11, 2016- This July in the Photo Production Community 

March 11, 2016- March Madness 

February 26, 2016- Save the Date! 

February 12, 2016- The Producer loves you! 

December 18, 2015- V4 Time Test for Large List[UNIQID

November 5, 2015- Volume 3: Welcome to The Producer! 

September 11, 2015- The Producer v. 3 (copy 01) 

August 11, 2015- The Producer V.2 (copy 01) 

July 24th, 2015- The Producer V.1[UNIQID]&u=221a41e4accc2bc901f813551&id=7ef3673801